1. Nikolche Jankulovski, Универзитетот “Св. Климент Охридски” - Битола, Macedonia
The integration process of the Republic of Macedonia towards the European Union is clear and unambiguous interest and priority goal. Republic of Macedonia within the integration processes from 16.05.2007 has the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union. Thus it has the right to use financial funds from the pre-accession funds in order to meet the criteria for membership in the European Union, and harmonization of national legislation in the European. The paper has a goal to give preliminary assessment of the current capacities in the Republic of Macedonia for absorption of resources from EU funds. The legislative framework and the administrative capacity for absorption of EU funds for economic and social cohesion are also covered. Assessment of the absorption capacity on the Republic of Macedonia will be reduced to the administrative-institutional capacity and the legislative framework for effective absorption of the EU funds.
Кључне речи:
capacity, harmonization, fund, administration, absorption
Тематска област:
Government and economic development
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