1. Zoran Despodov, University of Goce Delcev, Faculty of natural and technical sciences, Macedonia
In this paper will be presented scientific methodology for application of multi-criteria decision analysis for selection of transport system for coal from underground mine to the termal power plant. As a case study will be taken the external transport system for coal from the underground mine “Mariovo”, to the termal power plant REK Bitola. The analysis will include four alternative types of transport, including: trucking, conveyor belts, hydraulic transport and transport by aerial tram. The adopted criteria for decision-making will be the following: total investments in the transport system, transport costs, hour transport capacity, reliability of the transport system, influences on the load and the influences on the environment. By applying the methods of multi-criteria decision analysis will be chosen the optimal external transport system for coal.
Кључне речи:
coal,multi-criteria analysis,external transport
Тематска област:
Системско инжењерство, ризици, менаџмент и савремени трендови
Датум пријаве сажетка:
7th Balkan Mining Congress