1. Aleksandar Grubić, Рударски институт Приједор, e-mail Саве Ковачевића бб, Приједор,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2. Ranko Cvijić,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Duško Vlačina, ArcelorMittal Prijedor,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
For decades iron ores in Ljubija mining region have exceptionally big influence on whole social reproduction on area of Prijedor town , RS, B&H, which is closely connected to constant renewing and intensifying of production process. Systematic geological researches have been conducted over 135 years and exploitation with certain stoppages over 100 years. Because of that Prijedor region and institutions of RS have been interested for present data on state of ore resources/ reserves of iron ores, to asses state of raw material base , economically significant mineralization , evaluation of realistic justification of further geological research and exploitation in this area, and consider strategy of further development of mining in the Region. Present resources/reserves need to be optimally activated with the goal of achieving of commercial value of investment done but also those that need to be invested and certain expected national benefit. In this papier we are traying to evaluate realistic justification of further geological research and exploitation in this area and strategy of further development of iron ore mining .
Кључне речи:
Ljubija mining region,iron ore,ore resources/reserves,geological research,exploitation,development .
Тематска област:
Геолошке дјелатности и економика минерално-сировинског комплекса
Датум пријаве сажетка:
7th Balkan Mining Congress