1. Tomislav Pavlović, University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, , Serbia
2. Драгољуб Мирјанић, Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
3. Ivana Radonjić, University of Nis, Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, , Serbia
4. Darko Divnić, Академија наука и умјетности Републике Српске,
Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
5. Galina Sazhko, Ukrainan engineering pedagogics academy, Department of Informatics and computer technologies, Univer, Ukraine
The paper focuses on the use of renewable energy sources in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska and their impact on the environment and climate change. Renewable energy
sources used in Serbia are hydropower, solar energy, wind energy, biomass, and biogas. Renewable energy sources used in the Republic of Srpska are hydropower, solar energy, biomass, and biogas. When using hydropower, lakes are often formed impacting the microclimate of the environment in which they are located. Photothermal and photovoltaic solar radiation conversion installations are mostly stationary, do not emit harmful substances into the environment, and have no impact on climate change. The use of wind turbines has a certain influence on the flow of ambient air. When using biomass and biogas, combustion gases are released into the atmosphere, which has a certain impact on climate change. The paper concludes that the use of renewable energy sources in Serbia and the Republic of Srpska has a negligible negative impact on the environment and climate change.
Кључне речи:
renewable energy,hydropower,solar energy,wind energy,biomass,biogas,climate change
Тематска област:
СИМПОЗИЈУМ А - Наука материје, кондензоване материје и физикa чврстог стања
Датум пријаве сажетка:
Contemporary Materials 2021 - Савремени материјали